Concerning Automation of Maintenance of Correspondence Electronic Olympiads.

Tatiana A. Andreyeva: Concerning Automation of Maintenance of Correspondence Electronic Olympiads CSIT 2000 : 142-145


The correspondence olympiads are most useful for the self-education of students. Multiple examples of the correspondence olympiads in diversified studying subjects, which are maintained in many countries and cities, show that this tendency becomes more and more popular. Many people not necessarily being the high-qualified computer users are involved in this process. Hence the necessity to automate the following processes arises.

Some recommendations on the process of preparing and maintaining the correspondence olympiads are made (Task selection, Formulating tasks, Elaborating input and output data formats, Under-defined task conditions, Task checking and error examination, Automatic testing, Complete program testing and task classification, Timely informing respondents).

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Printed Edition

Heinz Schweppe and Yuri S. Kabalnov (Eds.): CSIT'2000, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, September 18-23, 2000, Ufa, Russia. USATU Publishers & JurInfoR-MSU Publishing 2000, ISBN 5-86911-312-1

Electronic Edition