An Integrated Enviropment For Annotated Program Transformations.

V.N. Kasyanov: An Integrated Enviropment For Annotated Program Transformations CSIT 2000 : 38-44


The paper describes the ABORT system intended to be an integrated enviropment for analysis, transformation and instrumentation of the FORTRAN 77 programs with taking into account information known about the program being processed and conveyed in formalized comments (annotations).

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Printed Edition

Heinz Schweppe and Yuri S. Kabalnov (Eds.): CSIT'2000, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, September 18-23, 2000, Ufa, Russia. USATU Publishers & JurInfoR-MSU Publishing 2000, ISBN 5-86911-312-1

Electronic Edition