Business Process Reengineering and Business Renovation in Slovenia.

Andrej Kovacic: Business Process Reengineering and Business Renovation in Slovenia CSIT 2000 : 305-312


The main goal of the survey is to present the characteristics of business process reengineering, business renovation and informatization efforts in Slovenia. The research is based on questionnaire about BPR projects, methods and tools implemented in Slovenian organisations. Paper focuses on the author's experience in using business process reengineering concept, as well as on the possibilities of developing an information system that will be able to successfully support renovated processes. It focuses on the author's experience in using business process reengineering concept, as well as on the possibilities of developing an information system that will be able to successfully support renovated processes. It stresses necessity for changes in organisational culture, management techniques, socio-economic restructuring and other changes needed for a shift in organisational productivity and profitability.

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Printed Edition

Heinz Schweppe and Yuri S. Kabalnov (Eds.): CSIT'2000, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, September 18-23, 2000, Ufa, Russia. USATU Publishers & JurInfoR-MSU Publishing 2000, ISBN 5-86911-312-1

Electronic Edition