Technical and Analysis Elements.

Ekaterina Mouftakhova: Technical and Analysis Elements CSIT 2000 : 24-25


In this paper an attempt was made to examine issues of stock price forecasting and stock market analysis from the point of view of technical analysis, to build a signalling system based on technical tools; to find choice criteria of the optimal signaller and it's parameters in concrete market situations; to make mathematical descriptions of stock price dynamics in certain markets: short-, middle-, long-term; "bull" and "bear" and to calculate their duration.

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Printed Edition

Heinz Schweppe and Yuri S. Kabalnov (Eds.): CSIT'2000, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, September 18-23, 2000, Ufa, Russia. USATU Publishers & JurInfoR-MSU Publishing 2000, ISBN 5-86911-312-1

Electronic Edition