Organization WWW-access to Resources Corporative GIS ISC SB RAS.

Igor Bychkov, E. Kukharenko: Organization WWW-access to Resources Corporative GIS ISC SB RAS CSIT 1999 : E/E


In Russia for the first time, within the framework of the complex project of informatisations of science and edu-cation, supported RFBR and Ministry of science RF, in the scale Academcity and adjoining to him founding Irkutsk regional scientifically-educational complex (IRSEC), created fiber-optic network with maximum reception capacity 100 Mb/s. and on its base integrated information-computing system ICS SB RAS and other founding an IRSEC with output in Russia and foreign global networks, provided output in Internet. Designed software WWW access to removed by data base on the base of global networks and with using the technologies Active-X and OLE ensuring building corporative Intra-net network. As a toolbox for processing cartographic information is used GIS MapInfo installed on GIS-server. Using a given approach ensures a possibility of integration of portioned information resources.

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Printed Edition

Ch. Freytag and V. Wolfengagen (Eds.): CSIT'99, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, January 18-22, 1999, Moscow, Russia. MEPhI Publishing 1999, ISBN 5-7262-0263-5

Electronic Edition