Expert System - Adviser of the Finacial Manager Commercial Bank.

Vladimir Domrachev: Expert System - Adviser of the Finacial Manager Commercial Bank CSIT 1999 : 138-138


One of main tasks of commercial bank is an effective financial management. In work the realization of expert system is considered, which allows to make a financial analysis of a condition of commercial bank and on its basis to build recommendations for managament of the finance. The System consists of three blocks: data viewing block, block of viewing of financial results, block of the banking analysis and development of the recommendations. The block of viewing of a data allows to look over a consolidated balance- sheet, units of the aggregates of active accounts, aggregates of passive accounts, results of work of bank (incomes and expenses), state of credit and investment portfolioes, condition of debtors. Thus the consideration conducts how in cut national currency - $, so and in cut residents - unresidents. The Block of viewing of financial results allows to consider temporal aspect of financial indexes and to trace the diverse types of cargo percentage. The Block of analysis consists of 2 parts: risks analysis and factor analysis of profitability of bank operations, and actually expert system. The Recommendations produce on search basis of optimum way on decisions acceptance tree, in which the tops weighed on risks, and edges on profitableness of bank operations. The Basic idea laying during development of the recommendations by expert system is the comparison of control parameters of activity of given bank with average parameters on banks system and with parameters on group of "similar" banks.

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Printed Edition

Ch. Freytag and V. Wolfengagen (Eds.): CSIT'99, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, January 18-22, 1999, Moscow, Russia. MEPhI Publishing 1999, ISBN 5-7262-0263-5

Electronic Edition