GeneNet Database: Automated Visualization of Gene Networks and their Dynamics.

F. Kolpakov, E. Ananko, G. Kolesov, N. Kolchanov: GeneNet Database: Automated Visualization of Gene Networks and their Dynamics CSIT 1999 : E/E


An object-oriented database GeneNet has been created. It contains the formalized descriptions of the gene networks and their dynamics based on experimental data. The GeneNet graphical user interface written in Java provides automated generation of the gene network diagrams, visualization of their dynamics, and exploration of the GeneNet database through the Internet. A system of filters allows particular components of the network to be selected for visualization. The graphical interface for data input and editing through the Internet in a dialogue mode has been developed to provide a rapid filling of the database. The GeneNet database is available at

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Printed Edition

Ch. Freytag and V. Wolfengagen (Eds.): CSIT'99, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, January 18-22, 1999, Moscow, Russia. MEPhI Publishing 1999, ISBN 5-7262-0263-5

Electronic Edition