Development of Databases for the Systems for Acquisition, Processing and Distribution of Satellite Data.

E. Loupian, A. Mazurov, R. Nazirov, A. Proshin, E. Flitman: Development of Databases for the Systems for Acquisition, Processing and Distribution of Satellite Data CSIT 1999 : E/E


The paper presents the technology for creation of satellite data archives (databases) with remote access over the Internet. The special attention is devoted to storage of data files in the database. For this purpose the FDB (File Data Base) technology has been developed to allow operating with files as database objects..

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Printed Edition

Ch. Freytag and V. Wolfengagen (Eds.): CSIT'99, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, January 18-22, 1999, Moscow, Russia. MEPhI Publishing 1999, ISBN 5-7262-0263-5

Electronic Edition