Intelligent Multimedia - A New Computing Technique And Its Applications.

Cyrus F. Nourani: Intelligent Multimedia-A New Computing Technique And Its Applications CSIT 1999 : 117-124


Intelligent Multimedia techniques and paradigms are defined. We propose multimedia paradigms with many facets and application areas. The computing techniques, a language, the MIM deductive system and its model theory are presented in brief. Basic application areas we start with as examples are designing predefined visual scenes with diagram composition and combination for scene dynamics. The second application area is based on AI planning. Reasoning and planning can be applied to define scene dynamics based on scene descriptions and compatibility relations. The project allows us to predict scene dynamics. We apply our recent Intelligent Language paradigm and intelligent visual computing paradigms to define the IM multiagent multimedia computing paradigm. The paper is further a basis to mlimedia database design.

Copyright © 1999 by the Institute for Contemporary Education "JurInfoR-MSU". Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the CSIT copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Institute for Contemporary Education JMSUICE. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the JMSUICE.

Printed Edition

Ch. Freytag and V. Wolfengagen (Eds.): CSIT'99, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, January 18-22, 1999, Moscow, Russia. MEPhI Publishing 1999, ISBN 5-7262-0263-5

Electronic Edition