Introducing Personal Software Process in a Swedish Company.
Terttu Orci: Introducing Personal Software Process
in a Swedish Company
CSIT 1999
: 73-79
PSP - Personal Software Process - is a framework for improvement of the
professional skills of software engineers. It provides a stepwise improvement
approach, much like CMM with its maturity levels, with the continuous improvement
as the highest level on the ladder. PSP has so far been introduced mainly
in a laboratory environment, in an educational setting with software engineering
students as objects for study, but also a few studies have been published
on PSP introduction to software engineers in industry. The results are
impressive in terms of decreased defect density, increased percentage of
defects found before compiling, and improved estimation accuracy. PSP prescribes
a way of working, tailored to an individual and his needs and preferences.
However, the initial training in terms of a two weeks full-time course,
as given by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), is probably more
than at least small companies can afford. An interesting question is whether
there are other forms for introducing PSP in industry, which would still
give much of the benefits, but being more realistic for small and medium
size software companies. In front of a larger study with the intention
to experiment with different course forms, we have introduced PSP to the
two software engineers in a small company, in order to get some initial
knowledge and experience of the problems which might arise when giving
a course in an industrial setting. The results were encouraging, though
not measured quantitatively, but rather as a change in the attitudes of
the software engineers participating in the course.
Copyright © 1999 by the Institute for Contemporary
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Printed Edition
Ch. Freytag and V. Wolfengagen (Eds.): CSIT'99, Proceedings of 1st International
Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, January 18-22,
1999, Moscow, Russia. MEPhI Publishing 1999, ISBN 5-7262-0263-5
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