Emulation of Complex Computing Systems and the Software Transferring Process.

Alexander Surkov, Vadim Urusov: Emulation of Complex Computing Systems and the Software Transferring Process CSIT 1999 : E/E


The gain of our work is to transfer data stored in IBM/360 format into modern computer standards and to support some tine critical industrial and military processes which are still using mainframes and haven to stop to rebuild its software. There are four ways of software rebuilding on a new platform: reengineering (writing new sources under new algorithms), rewriting (translation to another language), recompiling (with a little software change adjusting old sources to a new architecture), and emulation older environment on a new platform.

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Printed Edition

Ch. Freytag and V. Wolfengagen (Eds.): CSIT'99, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, January 18-22, 1999, Moscow, Russia. MEPhI Publishing 1999, ISBN 5-7262-0263-5

Electronic Edition